
I got a salary revision today and was expecting a lot more…

Its been 1 year I am with this company, I do high standard video editing and the company makes a lot of profits cause when can clearly see it during the meetings. My salary right now is not that bad but I can barely live alone in my appartment. It's been 3 months they were hyping everyone about a salary revision, so everyone is supposed to get higher pay at the same time. I was happy, I knew someone who were at the company and he was earning significantly more than me and I was expecting to get something closer since we had the same experience but he was few months older, but hes not at the company anymore (weirdly 1 week after loosing him they said to my coworkers about the revision…) Today we got our meeting for this revision and that went really bad. “They were happy” to…

Its been 1 year I am with this company, I do high standard video editing and the company makes a lot of profits cause when can clearly see it during the meetings.

My salary right now is not that bad but I can barely live alone in my appartment. It's been 3 months they were hyping everyone about a salary revision, so everyone is supposed to get higher pay at the same time. I was happy, I knew someone who were at the company and he was earning significantly more than me and I was expecting to get something closer since we had the same experience but he was few months older, but hes not at the company anymore (weirdly 1 week after loosing him they said to my coworkers about the revision…)

Today we got our meeting for this revision and that went really bad. “They were happy” to tell me I was getting a 3% increase. They should have see in my face that I was not happy at all, because they asked if It was okay and I said “No, I would like to have another meeting this week to make my point about the salary”. They agreed.

Now my concern is: How should I approach this knowing the salary of past coworkers and asking for a real actual living wage knowing I could ask for probably 10 000$ more?

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