
I got assaulted at work

So to make a long story short as possible a guy hit me in the face at work while I’m on a forklift. After he hit me I told him I don’t want to fight but he says you have to fight me and kept swinging at me before I swung back to defend myself.The manager heard me say that but he didn’t intervene until I still getting the best of the of other guy. They told me I wasn’t fired but ended up firing me the next day. And I can’t press charges against the guy because they won’t release his name. Any help or advice would be great

So to make a long story short as possible a guy hit me in the face at work while I’m on a forklift. After he hit me I told him I don’t want to fight but he says you have to fight me and kept swinging at me before I swung back to defend myself.The manager heard me say that but he didn’t intervene until I still getting the best of the of other guy. They told me I wasn’t fired but ended up firing me the next day. And I can’t press charges against the guy because they won’t release his name. Any help or advice would be great

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