
I got burnt out and turned in my notice a month ago. Took 2 weeks off and got another offer with 45% salary increase.

My previous boss was great and I owed a lot of what I have today to him. That’s one of the reasons why decided to stay. Though after the last incident where I had to cancel my Friday night plan to help finish a project for a coworker whose was given 3 weeks to work on it because he got stuck, I told myself I’d had enough. That wasn’t the first time where I was expected to be the savior of the day and step in last minute to help somebody. Being good at my job also means people feel like they always have you as a fallback. Screw that. I definitely feel like I made the right decision.

My previous boss was great and I owed a lot of what I have today to him. That’s one of the reasons why decided to stay. Though after the last incident where I had to cancel my Friday night plan to help finish a project for a coworker whose was given 3 weeks to work on it because he got stuck, I told myself I’d had enough.

That wasn’t the first time where I was expected to be the savior of the day and step in last minute to help somebody. Being good at my job also means people feel like they always have you as a fallback. Screw that.

I definitely feel like I made the right decision.

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