
I got covid on Thursday.

I have been triple vaccinated, I've taken all the precautions, but it still happened. Meh, it happens. My boss has been pretty good about it, but there is a hidden advantage to all of this. I am so sick that I can't keep food down, can't leave the house, lights and sounds exacerbate my headache… This means I have nothing to spend money on! Being sick is a godsend for budgeting. I can't go anywhere or eat anything. I don't want to play games, I can't see anyone, I keep all my lights and tv off. I'm stuck at home so I'm not showering or changing/washing clothes… So if you all want some solid advice for how to whether gas prices or inflation… Take it from me! Get very very sick!! It's no stupider advice than eating lentils or laying off the avacado toast.

I have been triple vaccinated, I've taken all the precautions, but it still happened. Meh, it happens. My boss has been pretty good about it, but there is a hidden advantage to all of this.

I am so sick that I can't keep food down, can't leave the house, lights and sounds exacerbate my headache… This means I have nothing to spend money on!

Being sick is a godsend for budgeting. I can't go anywhere or eat anything. I don't want to play games, I can't see anyone, I keep all my lights and tv off. I'm stuck at home so I'm not showering or changing/washing clothes…

So if you all want some solid advice for how to whether gas prices or inflation… Take it from me! Get very very sick!! It's no stupider advice than eating lentils or laying off the avacado toast.

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