
I got fired for a taking a 2nd day off sick.

Long story short: I took a job as a graphic designer at a company with a small team. They told me via email I'll be undergoing a 3month trial at full time. The head designer/HR/admin/bosses personal assistant quit when I was 2months in after 10 years with the boss, and that Monday I felt sick so I texted 2 people (boss included) that I wasn't well. This was my second full day off because I was sick. The boss got the IT guy who I was friends with to call me and tell me I was fired. I called the boss directly to hear it from him. He said it was for “unsatisfactory” work, even though I was his only full time designer, barely got trained and was still training and trying to understand the very complex work flow (bare in mind, i wasnt just the graphic designer. I arranged…

Long story short:

I took a job as a graphic designer at a company with a small team. They told me via email I'll be undergoing a 3month trial at full time. The head designer/HR/admin/bosses personal assistant quit when I was 2months in after 10 years with the boss, and that Monday I felt sick so I texted 2 people (boss included) that I wasn't well. This was my second full day off because I was sick.

The boss got the IT guy who I was friends with to call me and tell me I was fired. I called the boss directly to hear it from him.

He said it was for “unsatisfactory” work, even though I was his only full time designer, barely got trained and was still training and trying to understand the very complex work flow (bare in mind, i wasnt just the graphic designer. I arranged with clients, researched and seeked out correct individual templates and rules for the product I was designing for, prepare it for production and do shipping and individual client payments.)
I asked him for details, he said I looked overwhelmed in the last week. Because I was, the head designer and the person who did our payments was leaving.

When we tried to ask for an email to specify the termination he refused. Saying it wasn't necessary. When we got frustrated and asked him to read what we send him (we may have asked if he was literate) he retorted “fuck you” and hung up.

He claims I was causal since we had no contract, but in my country (Australia) the email of offer is enough for the default laws for a full time employment. So now I'm arguing if I deserve a payout or not, and on top of that, he has refused to fill in a form to inform my government i have been terminated so now I can't receive financial help.

I gave up another full time job for this one because the last one also had me working a bunch of roles (including graphic design) for minimum wage (full time minimum wage, not graphic designer minimum wage).

Its really broken me.

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