
I got fired for putting in my two weeks.

I am moving city’s in two weeks and wanted to do “the right thing” so I put my two weeks in and my boss fired me on the spot. I would’ve been better off just working until I had to move and quitting on the spot!! Too bad that’s considered unethical. How are we as workers supposed to give a two week notice when they don’t have to give a two week notice when firing? Makes no fucking sense.

I am moving city’s in two weeks and wanted to do “the right thing” so I put my two weeks in and my boss fired me on the spot. I would’ve been better off just working until I had to move and quitting on the spot!! Too bad that’s considered unethical. How are we as workers supposed to give a two week notice when they don’t have to give a two week notice when firing? Makes no fucking sense.

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