
I got fired today because my miscarriage was “too much”

I cant believe I'm sitting outside writing this. I don't actually feel like this is reality at all. Walmart can fire you for any reason by law so I guess this is on me. I had a miscarriage at work. I started hemorrhaging to the point where HR had to get me a change of clothes and called emergency for me. I ended upnfinding out at the ER I miscarried. I bring my medical records to work, and tell my supervisor why I have taken days off and she said ok. never even informed Me of sedgwick the online system where you have to call out and reuqest sick time. A week later my supervisor tells me I'm fired and that it's from my missing days. I tell her why, she says to take it up with the store manager. I have a meeting with him and he brings in…

I cant believe I'm sitting outside writing this. I don't actually feel like this is reality at all. Walmart can fire you for any reason by law so I guess this is on me.

I had a miscarriage at work. I started hemorrhaging to the point where HR had to get me a change of clothes and called emergency for me.

I ended upnfinding out at the ER I miscarried. I bring my medical records to work, and tell my supervisor why I have taken days off and she said ok. never even informed Me of sedgwick the online system where you have to call out and reuqest sick time. A week later my supervisor tells me I'm fired and that it's from my missing days. I tell her why, she says to take it up with the store manager.

I have a meeting with him and he brings in the same HR lady who witnessed everything. I remind her what happened and this is the first time the store manager even finds out. She stood quiet the entire time he told me he needed people who were going to be consistent and keep up with the fast paced environment.

Now im sitting outside my apartment, figuring out what to do because rent is due and my dog has enouhu food for the rest of the nexr week and that's it. I'm sadly relieved that I have a minute to breath but broken that I will end up in a shelter soon. But I don't really care I just want to vent.

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