
I got fired unfairly

I got fired. For context: I had been working at a chemistry/biotechnology company for years. Out of the blue, my manager called a meeting to discuss “department culture” and proceeded to tell me I was insubordinate and a bully. HR was there agreeing with him, and HR said I needed to “stay in my lane.” Verbatim. I was shocked because I (was) a very quiet person at work. They wrote me up a “verbal warning” and sent it via email with the words “if there is not a change in behavior, you will be immediately terminated.” The points my manager made were unclear, so I respectfully sent an email asking for clarification two days after the initial meeting to follow up. My manager came up to me the next day and asked to chat. My heart sunk, but I walked with him to his office and there HR was. I…

I got fired. For context: I had been working at a chemistry/biotechnology company for years. Out of the blue, my manager called a meeting to discuss “department culture” and proceeded to tell me I was insubordinate and a bully. HR was there agreeing with him, and HR said I needed to “stay in my lane.” Verbatim. I was shocked because I (was) a very quiet person at work. They wrote me up a “verbal warning” and sent it via email with the words “if there is not a change in behavior, you will be immediately terminated.”

The points my manager made were unclear, so I respectfully sent an email asking for clarification two days after the initial meeting to follow up. My manager came up to me the next day and asked to chat. My heart sunk, but I walked with him to his office and there HR was. I was terminated on the spot for “clearly not understanding what the point of the verbal warning was as well as insubordination for sending the email.” Verbatim.

I think they did this because I asked for a raise a few months ago due to being paid 20% less than my new coworkers even though I had been there for years. I got the raise, but I was told it was “incredibly inappropriate for me to discuss salaries with my coworkers.” I'm pretty sure this was retaliation for me asking for a raise, because I had a literal perfect attendance record, produced high quality work, and my coworkers liked and still like me.

TL/DR: I got canned for asking for clarification, but it was probably because HR and my manager didn't like that I asked for a raise.

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