
I got laid off today and it was more like losing a client than an employer

Hi everyone! Bit of a venting/ranting post. I got laid off today just due to the recession/my company also kind of shifting their direction in a way where my work wasn’t needed. Still processing how I feel about it but one thing is just how broken our employment system is (although I suppose it’s functional to the people it’s really supposed to work for). I work in a creative industry and also freelance on the side. But one thing that’s striking is my friend started sending me applications for jobs specifically with benefits and I was like yeah my company never provided me benefits I pay for all my own shrug they’re a small company. I also had a relatively short tenure there and my employment was always somewhat tenuous because my entire department wasn’t really central to the functions of the company. It always felt like I was grinding…

Hi everyone! Bit of a venting/ranting post. I got laid off today just due to the recession/my company also kind of shifting their direction in a way where my work wasn’t needed. Still processing how I feel about it but one thing is just how broken our employment system is (although I suppose it’s functional to the people it’s really supposed to work for). I work in a creative industry and also freelance on the side.

But one thing that’s striking is my friend started sending me applications for jobs specifically with benefits and I was like yeah my company never provided me benefits I pay for all my own shrug they’re a small company. I also had a relatively short tenure there and my employment was always somewhat tenuous because my entire department wasn’t really central to the functions of the company. It always felt like I was grinding on the side to get my name out and I couldn’t rest on my laurels 1. Because the pay wasn’t great but 2. Because I was always worried about securing more clients, the same as I would be if I was freelance full time. The only real difference was the check every two weeks. How is this any more stable/less risky than being the capital holder? At least there used to be more of an illusion of stability and loyalty to the worker.

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