
I got let go from my job earlier in the year. reported my firing to osha, 6 months later they’ve got back to me

I honestly thought osha forgot about me. Turns out they're backed up by 6 months plus. My old company wants to do mediation. Problem is, I don't want reinstatement, I don't believe anything discussed to change how they operate will be followed up on, and to be honest I've begun the healing process and began moving on. Anyone have any thoughts on what I should do?

I honestly thought osha forgot about me. Turns out they're backed up by 6 months plus. My old company wants to do mediation. Problem is, I don't want reinstatement, I don't believe anything discussed to change how they operate will be followed up on, and to be honest I've begun the healing process and began moving on. Anyone have any thoughts on what I should do?

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