
I got lied to multiple times during the hiring process and I am just realizing now

Hello! Obligatory apologies for formatting as I am on mobile Okay, so I started this job late January, interviewed in late December. It seemed like an awesome job. Minimal customer interactions but frequent employee interaction which I don't mind. I don't have to put on a customer face for that. I asked about lunches and paid holidays. Lunch is 30 minutes long but if I talk to my manager, I could clock in early and get an hour for lunch. Holidays are paid time off too. Everything sounds good so I schedule an interview with the hiring manager through zoom. Interview day comes, I am sitting at my computer, nervous as heck ready for this interview. I got in 5 minutes early just in case. The scheduled time comes along and passes. Nothing. I think, they are just a little late so I'll wait some more. 20 minutes pass and…

Hello! Obligatory apologies for formatting as I am on mobile

Okay, so I started this job late January, interviewed in late December. It seemed like an awesome job. Minimal customer interactions but frequent employee interaction which I don't mind. I don't have to put on a customer face for that. I asked about lunches and paid holidays. Lunch is 30 minutes long but if I talk to my manager, I could clock in early and get an hour for lunch. Holidays are paid time off too. Everything sounds good so I schedule an interview with the hiring manager through zoom.

Interview day comes, I am sitting at my computer, nervous as heck ready for this interview. I got in 5 minutes early just in case. The scheduled time comes along and passes. Nothing. I think, they are just a little late so I'll wait some more. 20 minutes pass and i get a call. Apparently there was some sort of mix up and the person who was supposed to interview me was off that day. She apologies a lot and i agree to schedule another interview. I passed that one

My first day rolls around and it's training for a month. Training goes smoothly for the most part until we near the end of it. They have someone from hr or something similar come in and explain policies to us. They were all pretty standard except the paid holidays.

It wasn't drastically different, we still could have them off. It's just not promised. You would have to put a request in and even then, it isn't guaranteed you'll have it off. That upset a lot of people. There is a group chat that none of the supervisors are in and it was chaos. Everyone was told different, not just me. Including the internal transfers.

On top of the holiday surprise, the entire class had asked for additional hands on training with the customer calls. Multiple times. On the last day of learning about it, before actually taking those calls, and the day of graduation. The. Entire. Class. Only 2 people got that additional training, (me and another coworker) and that was only 2 days. With minimal hands on for what we were uncomfortable with. At least for me, I am not sure about the other person. It was like 2 hours of hands on and each of those calls take around 30-40 minutes. So I still don't feel comfortable with them. I will admit, there is a temp chat for those calls but I am not sure if I was added to it. No response yet from manager

When we get out of training and meet our managers, I dmed him about the hour lunch. He asked who told me that and that they do not offer that in my department. Obviously I am disappointed.

All in all, I am obviously and I think understandably upset. I'm applying to jobs left and right hoping something good answers

Oh, and i forgot to mention, it's for 13.70 an hour. Which I know isn't bad as some jobs so for that I'm grateful but it is definitely not enough to support myself. I am still with a roommate (he's cool though)

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