
I got my first job, I’m possibly going to quit

Here's the situation, I've got my first internship job, which is something I've been chasing for months. I will start next week and I'm excited, one big benefit is that the work will be mainly remote. However, I also have a great opportunity to visit Italy in early March. I really want to travel and I'm open to work actively over there, but now I'm afraid to tell my supervisors about this opportunity and get completely rejected. Should I drop the internship at this point or should I inform my supervisors of my travel plans?

Here's the situation, I've got my first internship job, which is something I've been chasing for months. I will start next week and I'm excited, one big benefit is that the work will be mainly remote. However, I also have a great opportunity to visit Italy in early March. I really want to travel and I'm open to work actively over there, but now I'm afraid to tell my supervisors about this opportunity and get completely rejected.
Should I drop the internship at this point or should I inform my supervisors of my travel plans?

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