
I got my manager fired.

There is a maximum of 70 hrs per week a heavy vehicle driver can work, and this must be logged, sometimes electronically, but often by paper entry. There is a specialist police division given the task of maintaining this rule, in amongst many others. I was loaded up with work such that often I exceeded the maximum hours. But this was not the first time, in fact it occurred many times, and I grew to hate the company and become quite angry. This was during my immature phase when I am ashamed to admit I was a yes man. And the company took huge advantage of this defect in my mentality. Long story short, I sent an anonymous email to the specialist police unit pretending I was a concerned citizen. The complaint was investigated, the end result being that I was put on a probation for 18 months. I kept…

There is a maximum of 70 hrs per week a heavy vehicle driver can work, and this must be logged, sometimes electronically, but often by paper entry. There is a specialist police division given the task of maintaining this rule, in amongst many others.

I was loaded up with work such that often I exceeded the maximum hours. But this was not the first time, in fact it occurred many times, and I grew to hate the company and become quite angry. This was during my immature phase when I am ashamed to admit I was a yes man. And the company took huge advantage of this defect in my mentality.

Long story short, I sent an anonymous email to the specialist police unit pretending I was a concerned citizen. The complaint was investigated, the end result being that I was put on a probation for 18 months. I kept my job by having to be 'squeaky' clean which was really no problem at all. The investigation made the company into a target by the specialist police unit. They lost money due to the constant harassment by the police. Consequently, the manager got fired by his bosses.
I still feel quite proud that I found a way to dissapate my anger, though the manager was an OK guy just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

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