
I got rejected for an internship to a company that claims they don’t care about level of experience.

I recently applied to a company claiming they’re “not like other companies” and that they accept people of all backgrounds and levels of experience. I worked really hard on my application and had my career coach review it for me several times. It wasn’t a very competitive application either. I was able to speak with one of their recruiters who told me they were actually struggling to find interns. Today I got an email from the company saying that I “WaSn’T WhAt ThEy WeRe LoOkInG FoR.” If this were a position with very specific requirements, I would understand why I got rejected. But this was a company bragging about how experience doesn’t matter and that they accept people of all backgrounds. I am very confused about why I didn’t meet their requirements if those requirements weren’t clear to begin with. Also, if the recruiter said they were struggling to find…

I recently applied to a company claiming they’re “not like other companies” and that they accept people of all backgrounds and levels of experience. I worked really hard on my application and had my career coach review it for me several times. It wasn’t a very competitive application either. I was able to speak with one of their recruiters who told me they were actually struggling to find interns.

Today I got an email from the company saying that I “WaSn’T WhAt ThEy WeRe LoOkInG FoR.”

If this were a position with very specific requirements, I would understand why I got rejected. But this was a company bragging about how experience doesn’t matter and that they accept people of all backgrounds. I am very confused about why I didn’t meet their requirements if those requirements weren’t clear to begin with. Also, if the recruiter said they were struggling to find interns, they weren’t in a position to be picky.

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