
I got someone else’s entire work load after layoffs and now I’m stressed

My manager keeps saying I'm supported while all this guys work is reassigned to me but I'm starting to feel extremely resentful. I'm a younger minority woman and I'm seeing that the company is laying off employees who have been here 15+ years. The more expensive employees I'm guessing. And I was originally hired to help the person they laid off because his territory was too much for him to handle alone. So we split it in half. So why lay off the guy who barely held the territory together by himself but was extremely experienced? And give it to the less experienced worker? My only reasoning is they hoped I was too meek to ask for a raise to match the extra work and I'd just accept the workload of 2 people for the price of one. I feel it was planned too, which sucks because they had him…

My manager keeps saying I'm supported while all this guys work is reassigned to me but I'm starting to feel extremely resentful. I'm a younger minority woman and I'm seeing that the company is laying off employees who have been here 15+ years. The more expensive employees I'm guessing. And I was originally hired to help the person they laid off because his territory was too much for him to handle alone. So we split it in half.

So why lay off the guy who barely held the territory together by himself but was extremely experienced? And give it to the less experienced worker? My only reasoning is they hoped I was too meek to ask for a raise to match the extra work and I'd just accept the workload of 2 people for the price of one.

I feel it was planned too, which sucks because they had him train his own replacement unknowingly. I've almost been here a year now and when I asked for a raise to match my new duties I was told “we'll discuss and get back to you.”

The handover is so sloppy too. The laid off guy did not update his cases or notes and documents that are crucial for projects are saved on his computer and not the company 1 drive for everyone to access.

I'm just frustrated and needed to vent. Thanks.

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