
I got the last laugh

I was working in a small union shop who was in a long drawn out contract negotiation. I was still on probation with company but a dues paying member for years at another company. The union went on strike. I walked the line with them. The other probationary employee worked. They promoted him to assistant manager. It’s hard to not take that as retaliation towards me. So… I walked through the place and took pictures of everything wrong with the building and equipment and sent a complaint to OSHA. $26,000 fine from OSHA. I quit.

I was working in a small union shop who was in a long drawn out contract negotiation. I was still on probation with company but a dues paying member for years at another company. The union went on strike. I walked the line with them.

The other probationary employee worked. They promoted him to assistant manager. It’s hard to not take that as retaliation towards me.


I walked through the place and took pictures of everything wrong with the building and equipment and sent a complaint to OSHA.

$26,000 fine from OSHA.

I quit.

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