
I got written up today for the first time in my 35 year work life.

And now I am depressed and constantly live in fear that I will be terminated. I work in Safety for a “ever changing direction” company. I am the only person left from a massive layoff. I oversee safety for 5500 employees and contractors. I was written up because I didn’t answer my phone twice and didn’t call back when they did not leave a message. I also did not follow up with an employee that hurt their thumb. Not broken, not an abrasion…it just hurt. And I didn’t understand fully what an assignment was. I work 12 hours a day and I’m on call 24/7 no exceptions. I have a temp help, but this guy is useless and rather talk about hunting than the work at hand. I do his work for him. His excuse is that “he’s not used to the computer, I like using paper.” I have tried…

And now I am depressed and constantly live in fear that I will be terminated. I work in Safety for a “ever changing direction” company. I am the only person left from a massive layoff. I oversee safety for 5500 employees and contractors. I was written up because I didn’t answer my phone twice and didn’t call back when they did not leave a message. I also did not follow up with an employee that hurt their thumb. Not broken, not an abrasion…it just hurt. And I didn’t understand fully what an assignment was. I work 12 hours a day and I’m on call 24/7 no exceptions. I have a temp help, but this guy is useless and rather talk about hunting than the work at hand. I do his work for him. His excuse is that “he’s not used to the computer, I like using paper.” I have tried in vain to coach him. My senior manager is female who has told me point blank “I have a sick kid and in a bad mood because I haven’t taken my Adderall so I really don’t want to hear stupid shit today.” My stupid question was, “I don’t understand what you’re wanting in this report, can you give me some direction?” The funny/sad thing is, I’ve been searching for a part time job to subsidize my income because I haven’t had a raise in 3 years. I live vicariously in this sub. But I am 50 with 2 small kids and can’t say fuck it. I am looking for a new job. One that values my experience and pays my worth, but I’m old and it’s difficult to find those companies that don’t take a warm body off the clearance rack. End of old man yelling at a cloud.

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