
I guess I have a success story of sorts. Managed to strong arm my employer into giving me a hefty pay rise

I'm not sure if this fits here but I decided I'd try it anyway. As the title suggests yesterday I have been given a very hefty pay rise. Disclaimer my situation is very unique and may not apply to everyone. Being in the UK means my employer has to have a very specific reason for firing me. I work for a large insurance company, maybe the largest in Europe or at least of them. I'm a quality controller, it's not a terrible job but some of the systems we needed to use were awful, these old ass DOS based systems, it was maddening that in 2021 we were still using them and it was a ballache. One the jobs I have to do is randomly select calls and files that managers have reviewed from staff and ensure that the managers are being fair in their assessments of the staff and…

I'm not sure if this fits here but I decided I'd try it anyway. As the title suggests yesterday I have been given a very hefty pay rise.

Disclaimer my situation is very unique and may not apply to everyone. Being in the UK means my employer has to have a very specific reason for firing me.

I work for a large insurance company, maybe the largest in Europe or at least of them. I'm a quality controller, it's not a terrible job but some of the systems we needed to use were awful, these old ass DOS based systems, it was maddening that in 2021 we were still using them and it was a ballache. One the jobs I have to do is randomly select calls and files that managers have reviewed from staff and ensure that the managers are being fair in their assessments of the staff and the system was just not made this.

I got so fucked off that during pandemic where I didn't have much work to do I built a prototype system, showed it off to the execs and they were impressed, very impressed, so much they essentially gave me the keys to the network and said work with the IT department to build this. So we did, I designed the platform, coded it and they set it up on the network, pretty soon the whole business was using it. My reward, £50 amazon voucher which I wasn't mad at, £50 is £50.

However, I became known as the coaching guy, every time something went wrong or something needed adding or someone needed to be trained in how to use it, I was the guy to do it. Very soon my workload started ramping up, I'm pretty much now working two jobs, managing this system and my regular work.

Now my direct manager is the coolest guy ever, I tell him everything, he's very open and honest, so I tell him that I don't think this is fair, I'm doing a two person job am I expecting any kind of pay increase or reward? He's really just a middle manager, he went away, came back and gave me what I assume is the boiler plate answer of “no budget” I was just expected to take these new responsibilities on

I told him I'm going to look for a new job then because it's ridiculous I'm doing all this for relativity not a lot of money

A week later I tell him I've got a job interview, new job is offering £35,000 a year which is £7000 more than im on now. He says to me do I mind if he tells management just because he doesn't want to have to suddenly surprise them with me leaving so I said yeah he can

Yesterday I log on and I'm asked to join a call with my manager, his manager and an exec. They're offering me £40,000 to stay under a new title which is coaching controller, way less work, way more money.

All I can say is, the best way to get paid more, look elsewhere and if you've got a decent skill set and you're confident you can get something else, cause a lot of noise about it and see what your work do

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