
I hac been wondering what I was going to do with my last five years.

Boomer here. I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, a lung disease which is invariably fatal. I had been worndering what I was going to do with my last five (with luck, maybe up to seven) years before I'm gone. Today and yesterday's USSC rulings helped me answer that question. I am going full-on Dorothy Day/ Eugene V. Debs-type organizing, going out of my way to get as many people as angry as hell so they'll be motivated to take on the right-wing cancer which is taking over this country. I want right-wing members of our legislatures and our courts to be afraid. I want hundreds of thousands – no, millions of people out marching, screaming, and letting those pissants know we're not going to take their fascist crap anymore. Lenin pulled it off. We can, too. I want foreign governments putting our government that they're tired of the 800-pound American…

Boomer here.

I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, a lung disease which is invariably fatal. I had been worndering what I was going to do with my last five (with luck, maybe up to seven) years before I'm gone.

Today and yesterday's USSC rulings helped me answer that question. I am going full-on Dorothy Day/ Eugene V. Debs-type organizing, going out of my way to get as many people as angry as hell so they'll be motivated to take on the right-wing cancer which is taking over this country.

I want right-wing members of our legislatures and our courts to be afraid. I want hundreds of thousands – no, millions of people out marching, screaming, and letting those pissants know we're not going to take their fascist crap anymore. Lenin pulled it off. We can, too.

I want foreign governments putting our government that they're tired of the 800-pound American gorilla and they're tired of American “values” which are nothing more than economic suberfuge; that if we're going to take rights away from our citizens then they're going to embargo us just as we've done to Cuba. I am done with Biden: he's a milquetoast President, a latter-day Neville Chamberlain who wants to “make nice” with fascists. I want a REAL President who has the balls and the gumption to pursue an agenda which actually benefits REAL Americans, and who is willing to kick Republicans in the balls (metaphorically speaking) to get what he wants.

To HELL with what we've got, now. To HELL with it.

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