
I had a job interview today..

They asked me why I was leaving my current job. I told them it was because my company is disorganised, has high turnover, and keeps on messing with my schedule in every way imaginable. When my interviewer asked me what would be the one thing I would do make my current job better, he was flabbergasted that I couldn't give a simple one word answer. I told him that I literally had no way of knowing how their business functioned and it was impossible for me to point to one thing that I would think would change anything at all. My interviewer seems kind of impatient the entire interview. He had a set of predetermined questions he would ask. He kept on making me feel like I was going into too much depth with everything. Additionally I had to keep on asking him very direct questions about what my prospective…

They asked me why I was leaving my current job. I told them it was because my company is disorganised, has high turnover, and keeps on messing with my schedule in every way imaginable.

When my interviewer asked me what would be the one thing I would do make my current job better, he was flabbergasted that I couldn't give a simple one word answer. I told him that I literally had no way of knowing how their business functioned and it was impossible for me to point to one thing that I would think would change anything at all.

My interviewer seems kind of impatient the entire interview. He had a set of predetermined questions he would ask. He kept on making me feel like I was going into too much depth with everything. Additionally I had to keep on asking him very direct questions about what my prospective job actually entailed and it wasn't until the very end of the interview that I got to see the shop floor and understand how things worked.

My honest impression is that 99% of the time human resources think they're more intelligent than everyone else on the planet while in reality they don't have any idea what they are doing. I really wish that instead of selling you their awful jobs with ridiculous platitudes they would just cut to the chase and tell you what they were really looking for and whether you thought you'd be able to handle it. They would rather lie to 15 people and take a guess as to who they think is most likely to stick around the longest. lololol….

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