
I had a literal hole in my body from MRSA and the insurance company thought it wasn’t serious enough to not be elective. (Tmi)

I had a cyst on the tip of my tailbone that broke and left a hole in my body to where it was painful to sit. I went to the doctor and it was covered somewhat under normal visits until I had to go to a specialist for the area. Then we were paying 100$ per visit two to three times a month. Then it got worse when we found out it was getting deeper from the MRSA burrowing into my body. I was lucky it was draining naturally but it was too deep to heal up from packing or stitches and everywhere I went had to be disinfected. I couldn't even visit the dentist due to the MRSA. Eventually I did get rid of the infection after it stubbornly came back once more but it was not fun. So here I am with a hole in my body, confidence…

I had a cyst on the tip of my tailbone that broke and left a hole in my body to where it was painful to sit. I went to the doctor and it was covered somewhat under normal visits until I had to go to a specialist for the area. Then we were paying 100$ per visit two to three times a month.

Then it got worse when we found out it was getting deeper from the MRSA burrowing into my body. I was lucky it was draining naturally but it was too deep to heal up from packing or stitches and everywhere I went had to be disinfected. I couldn't even visit the dentist due to the MRSA.

Eventually I did get rid of the infection after it stubbornly came back once more but it was not fun. So here I am with a hole in my body, confidence at a all time low. Turning away all potential love intrests because what would I say about it?

The specialist finally recommends me for surgery to get rid of the tissue so it can heal up and thank God it all goes smoothly. Until the insurance decides I've been living with it too long and since I've been 'fine' this long the surgery is elective. Thank God for my mother having some savings, we ended up paying 14,000$ to getting surgery and everything done. And yes that's with an itemized bill and all the tips.

We have the best insurance we can get and we still got fucked over because??? My body got infected and didn't heal fast enough. And they decided I should just continue to live with it.

Medicare for all is badly needed in America.

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