
I had a medical emergency and quit my job during a vacation, HR tried to deny pay for my vacation time.

I (female) put in my two weeks’ notice and had a vacation planned at the end of week one. The “vacation” was for a medical procedure from autoimmune disease complications that ended up going worse than expected, so I couldn’t finish my last week at work. HR first tried to deny payment for my vacation days (which had been approved for 3 months), despite a male coworker taking the last several days of his 1 week notice as vacation and getting paid for it. HR was the one who told the team that my coworker was going on vacation, so I pointed that out in my reply. HR then tried to get me to meet with a consultant at the company to help with my role transition. I said no, as I was no longer on payroll. I said I’d be happy to help if they compensated me through the…

I (female) put in my two weeks’ notice and had a vacation planned at the end of week one. The “vacation” was for a medical procedure from autoimmune disease complications that ended up going worse than expected, so I couldn’t finish my last week at work.

HR first tried to deny payment for my vacation days (which had been approved for 3 months), despite a male coworker taking the last several days of his 1 week notice as vacation and getting paid for it. HR was the one who told the team that my coworker was going on vacation, so I pointed that out in my reply.

HR then tried to get me to meet with a consultant at the company to help with my role transition. I said no, as I was no longer on payroll. I said I’d be happy to help if they compensated me through the week I was recovering (which would still be less than 1 day at my consultant rate).

HR came back saying that 1) it was inappropriate of me to use a coworker’s confidential termination agreement (again, she’s the one who told us about his vacation and resignation) to “get what I wanted” and that 2) they would give me my vacation days because of medical hardship, like it was a gift from them, and 3) that our working relationship was over.

This company has a history of toxic behavior and high turnover (and no retention plan) and I’m seriously glad I quit and didn’t fall for their shit. But at the same time, I am so mad that they tried to pull this shit on a person recovering from emergency surgery. Especially because “empathy” is one of their core values (lol).

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