
I had a medical emergency while on shift. Now, I don’t know if I can return to work at all because of health complications and already being in hot shit at work.

In WA state in the US, as far as any labor laws are concerned. A recounting of my medical emergency can be found here in my post to r/medical_advice. TLDR: I work nights at a hotel. I was completely alone. My left arm and lower right face went completely numb, and I felt super light headed and not right. I called my assistant manager and asked him to finish the rest of my shift, and said he would be in soon. I waited almost an hour and a half, and eventually just left the hotel unstaffed. I couldn't wait any longer, I was possibly having a stroke or heart attack. Thankfully, my EKG ruled out a heart attack and CT scan and MRI ruled out a stroke. Doctor suggested that my muscles just broke down due to stress. I was sent home with a referral to physical therapy and to…

In WA state in the US, as far as any labor laws are concerned.

A recounting of my medical emergency can be found here in my post to r/medical_advice. TLDR: I work nights at a hotel. I was completely alone. My left arm and lower right face went completely numb, and I felt super light headed and not right. I called my assistant manager and asked him to finish the rest of my shift, and said he would be in soon. I waited almost an hour and a half, and eventually just left the hotel unstaffed. I couldn't wait any longer, I was possibly having a stroke or heart attack. Thankfully, my EKG ruled out a heart attack and CT scan and MRI ruled out a stroke. Doctor suggested that my muscles just broke down due to stress. I was sent home with a referral to physical therapy and to make an appointment with my general doctor to discuss further steps. This was early Thursday morning.

It's now early Saturday morning. Thankfully, it was my Friday and I don't work until Sun afternoon. The problem is, I still have weakness in my left arm and I can't stand for longer than 20 min or I get light headed and need to sit down. My job requires me to stand at the front desk for 8 hours, having a chair or stool is against Hilton policy. The weakness in my arm makes it difficult to carry things with two arms, and makes it difficult to type with both hands (typing this was hell ngl). Physically, right now, I don't know if I can work.

I wouldn't worry about it if I wasn't already in some hot shit with my boss. Currently, I am the most senior front desk agent. I have trained every other member of my team, and I am the only FDA trained on every shift. I currently work overnights 3 days a week, and swing twice a week. This schedule is killing me, and was probably a contributing factor to my medical emergency. I have asked multiple times over the past several months to work 3, 12 hour shifts a week. 7PM to 7AM. This would work better for me, not having to swap my sleep schedule twice a week, and it would help my boss fill that 7PM to 11PM timeslot that's so difficult to fill. I can fill that 3 times a week, not 2 times. She has continually ignored me, and recently cut my hours without my consent. My normal 40 hours a week was cut to 32.

There has also been some other dumb work drama, but the highlights are my boss hiding cameras in staff areas without telling her employees, and our head of housekeeping under investigation by HR for intimidation and harassment. Turnover is insane and I'm tired of breaking my back for an employer who doesn't give a shit about me. My boss knows my current frustrations with the current work environment, and I feel like even a little slip up could end in me being fired.

I don't know if I should return to work. Right now, I am physically disabled to the point where I can't work. Not for my current job, or 90% of other jobs available. I have a very expensive hospital bill awaiting me, and I have enough cash in savings/checking to last me maybe a month (maybe). My stress from work caused me to become disabled (temp or permanent, time will tell) and not be able to work. I have 2o hours of sick leave and 3 hours of PTO I can try and abuse, but I don't know how I am going to financially survive this.

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