
I had an asthma attack at work last night.

So like the title says I had an asthma attack at work last night. The weather quickly and drastically shifted from high 70’s-low 80’s to in the 40’s. This set my asthma off something horrible. This mixed with being in a hot ass fast food kitchen almost took me out. My manager just told me to sit in the second window and TAKE ORDERS. Bitch I’m DYING! I called my GM and told her I was leaving no matter what. My boyfriend atp had already left his job to come get me and take me to get my nebulizer, and this shift manager was still tripping on me. I told her I was going to go outside and she said if I did “I better not come back” As soon as my boyfriend showed up I left and not even five minutes into the drive my GM asked if I…

So like the title says I had an asthma attack at work last night. The weather quickly and drastically shifted from high 70’s-low 80’s to in the 40’s. This set my asthma off something horrible. This mixed with being in a hot ass fast food kitchen almost took me out. My manager just told me to sit in the second window and TAKE ORDERS. Bitch I’m DYING! I called my GM and told her I was leaving no matter what. My boyfriend atp had already left his job to come get me and take me to get my nebulizer, and this shift manager was still tripping on me. I told her I was going to go outside and she said if I did “I better not come back” As soon as my boyfriend showed up I left and not even five minutes into the drive my GM asked if I could come back in after I did my nebulizer treatment “so they don’t have to closed early.”
Really thinking about just ghosting this whole restaurant.

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