
I had to miss 2 weeks of work and I’m already living check to check.

I’m trying to stay positive but I just found I don’t qualify for paid California family leave because I need to have been here 1 year (I’m on month 11) I’ve already been struggling, my 9 year old son started throwing up excessively for 2 days, then basically slept all day, then the next day as well he was extremely lethargic. I was worried so I took him to urgent care, they check for strep throat and then discharged him. We went back home and he went back to sleep, then on day 2 of the extreme lethargy he said his back and stomach hurt so I called off and rushed him to the emergency. His blood glucose levels were in the 800’s, i instantly felt like I failed as a parent (the doctors reassured me I didn’t) and Type 1 diabetes is easy to miss. So he was in…

I’m trying to stay positive but I just found I don’t qualify for paid California family leave because I need to have been here 1 year (I’m on month 11)

I’ve already been struggling, my 9 year old son started throwing up excessively for 2 days, then basically slept all day, then the next day as well he was extremely lethargic. I was worried so I took him to urgent care, they check for strep throat and then discharged him. We went back home and he went back to sleep, then on day 2 of the extreme lethargy he said his back and stomach hurt so I called off and rushed him to the emergency.
His blood glucose levels were in the 800’s, i instantly felt like I failed as a parent (the doctors reassured me I didn’t) and Type 1 diabetes is easy to miss.
So he was in the hospital just over 1 week, his grandma normally takes care of him while I’m at work but she herself had an aneurysm a couple years ago and gets overwhelmed pretty easily.
She’s trying her best though, and we’re all getting to understand this new obstacle.

Anyways I’m here on my last break, working in a warehouse for the wealthiest companies and families in America and I feel hopeless, I’m already struggling. I go to food banks, live very frugal.
Sorry this is basically just me ranting, I’m angry. I don’t know what to do next and I’m looking for some kind of resources. I don’t have anyone else to rant to and I’m not even sure if this fits here but thanks for hearing me out if you made it this far.

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