
i HATE applications that make you create a whole ass account through their website just to apply

why the FUCK do i have to go through a three step account creating process to give you my fucking resume?? as if my inbox isn’t full of enough garbage now i’m gonna be getting alerts from the hundreds of fucking random accounts i had to create just to apply to these jobs. sometimes if they ask too much of me to even get to the god damn application i just say fuck it and apply elsewhere because it’s ridiculous JUST LET ME SUBMIT A RESUME JFC

why the FUCK do i have to go through a three step account creating process to give you my fucking resume?? as if my inbox isn’t full of enough garbage now i’m gonna be getting alerts from the hundreds of fucking random accounts i had to create just to apply to these jobs. sometimes if they ask too much of me to even get to the god damn application i just say fuck it and apply elsewhere because it’s ridiculous JUST LET ME SUBMIT A RESUME JFC

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