
I hate doordash/Uber eats with a passion.

I work in a small restaurant. I cannot STAND Uber eats and doordash, plus all the other delivery services. Once I started working in the food industry, I stopped using third-party delivery services altogether. I have nothing against the delivery drivers. Honestly, I feel bad for them, I’m sure they put up with a lot of shit, and I don’t know how profitable it is with the cost of gas. The sound the delivery tablets make haunt my dreams. Imagine already struggling with in-person orders, and you have 3 tablets going off at once, all with multiple items. Those third party delivery services aren’t great for customers either. If you didn’t know, they up charge the shit out of you. As if that wasn’t enough, they also throw extra fees in there for good measure. Also tax. Don’t forget about tipping your driver! All of a sudden, a $20 order…

I work in a small restaurant. I cannot STAND Uber eats and doordash, plus all the other delivery services. Once I started working in the food industry, I stopped using third-party delivery services altogether.

I have nothing against the delivery drivers. Honestly, I feel bad for them, I’m sure they put up with a lot of shit, and I don’t know how profitable it is with the cost of gas.

The sound the delivery tablets make haunt my dreams. Imagine already struggling with in-person orders, and you have 3 tablets going off at once, all with multiple items.

Those third party delivery services aren’t great for customers either. If you didn’t know, they up charge the shit out of you.

As if that wasn’t enough, they also throw extra fees in there for good measure. Also tax. Don’t forget about tipping your driver! All of a sudden, a $20 order just became a $45 dollar one.

If I have the option to, I always choose to get delivery from the actual restaurant’s delivery person. It’s usually miles cheaper as well. Does anyone else share my hatred for these services?

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