
I hate how so many companies don’t close for holidays

I work as a shift lead at a chain coffee shop (not starbucks) and literally the only day we close is Christmas. On thanksgiving and Christmas Eve we have to stay open until 4 pm. I live in a college town so all of my coworkers and I are in our early 20s, we all are away from our families so it’s just a random decision of who gets to go home for the holidays and who doesn’t. Or who asks for days off first and who’s too late. I hate the upper corporate assholes who decide that we must be open practically every day of the year and the two days that we actually can close early, it hardly matters because it’s only a couple of hours early. The way our online scheduling system works is that once two or three people request a day off, nobody else can.…

I work as a shift lead at a chain coffee shop (not starbucks) and literally the only day we close is Christmas. On thanksgiving and Christmas Eve we have to stay open until 4 pm.

I live in a college town so all of my coworkers and I are in our early 20s, we all are away from our families so it’s just a random decision of who gets to go home for the holidays and who doesn’t. Or who asks for days off first and who’s too late.

I hate the upper corporate assholes who decide that we must be open practically every day of the year and the two days that we actually can close early, it hardly matters because it’s only a couple of hours early.

The way our online scheduling system works is that once two or three people request a day off, nobody else can. It’s especially frustrating being a shift lead because there always has to be at least one shift lead working when we’re open.

I’m just so stressed about the whole situation. It’s only my second year living away from my family. I generally do like my job and don’t want to lose it but my family doesn’t understand that I just might not be there for the holidays.

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