
I Hate My Fucking Landlord

I had to move in February of this year. I got my current rental a week before I was supposed to move. Movers fucked me over, and didn't go anywhere for two weeks. I was paying two rents at once., and when I got here, I underpaid my rent by $30. For “administrative fees.” It's gone to $130 now. So I called today and said “I'm not fucking paying this bill. I thought it was bullshit at $30, and now It's definitely bullshit at $120 for absolutely nothing. I'm not paying this bill, and if you keep trying to make me, I will let it balloon to $2500 and then take you to small claims court for you to prove the fucking bill, which you can't, because you're not itemizing 'administrative fees.'” “You signed a contract, Miss Nuwisha.” “I don't really give a shit about that, because I was too…

I had to move in February of this year. I got my current rental a week before I was supposed to move. Movers fucked me over, and didn't go anywhere for two weeks. I was paying two rents at once., and when I got here, I underpaid my rent by $30.

For “administrative fees.”

It's gone to $130 now.

So I called today and said “I'm not fucking paying this bill. I thought it was bullshit at $30, and now It's definitely bullshit at $120 for absolutely nothing. I'm not paying this bill, and if you keep trying to make me, I will let it balloon to $2500 and then take you to small claims court for you to prove the fucking bill, which you can't, because you're not itemizing 'administrative fees.'”

“You signed a contract, Miss Nuwisha.”

“I don't really give a shit about that, because I was too busy getting fucked in the ass by another company.”

“We're not responsible for that.”

“I know you're not, but what you're not responsible for is pretty much whatever you want.”

“Why did you sign the contract, then?”

“Are you fucking trying to shame me over $30 when my tax dollars bailed out millionaires who let $30 million fly away and fired people over it? I DON'T. GIVE. A SHIT. I'm not paying $120, and I'm not going to talk about it again, so take it off the bill or I'll ignore it forever and then counter sue you for being predatory landlords ruining my credit over $30.”

“I'm going to give you to our office manager.”

So I left a message to the jist of that. But Jesus Christ, if I'm so down to the sire I couldn't pay $30, why do you think adding MORE MONEY is going to make me pay it? It's a fucking small interest loan at this point. And I'm DISABLED. I get ENFORCED POVERTY BY THE GOVERNMENT THAT WON'T PROTECT ME FROM THIS SHIT.

Fuck you, I am not paying that bill.

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