
I hate my job but I can’t let my grandma down

I recently took up a job where my grandma works. She’s an CNA who works with old people. She said I needed a big girl job so I got hired as a dietary aide. I really hate dishes and I hate serving food even more. I don’t know why I thought I could do it but I always give stuff a fighting chance at least once. The manager of the kitchen staff seemed sweet and reassured me I’d do great. But my first day was a rude awakening at how the real strings are being pulled. The cooks are constantly angry, the dietary aides are always fighting with each other and criticize every little mistake you do. The work is not hard per say, but again: I’ve never worked in that environment and I gotta say, I hated it. I hated it so much even after a weeks worth of…

I recently took up a job where my grandma works. She’s an CNA who works with old people. She said I needed a big girl job so I got hired as a dietary aide. I really hate dishes and I hate serving food even more. I don’t know why I thought I could do it but I always give stuff a fighting chance at least once. The manager of the kitchen staff seemed sweet and reassured me I’d do great. But my first day was a rude awakening at how the real strings are being pulled. The cooks are constantly angry, the dietary aides are always fighting with each other and criticize every little mistake you do. The work is not hard per say, but again: I’ve never worked in that environment and I gotta say, I hated it. I hated it so much even after a weeks worth of work. I don’t like bussing tables, I don’t like my ghetto co workers that have drag out fights in the area you’re trying to work, I don’t like prepping the food. I feel like a failure because I know its not a job I’ll “get used to,” but because my grandma got me the job in promise it’d be better than my old one, I quit my job and tried this one. I have no choice but to work this one and it’s the biggest slap to my face ever. I’ve been told once I “earn my keep,” I can be an activity aide where you do activities with the old people which seems way more my style. Am I being a baby about this whole thing? I wanna show I can handle it because it would also be ugly to quit this soon on a resume but on the other hand I dread going in every time. I would rather get the flu than deal with my unruly co workers who seem to dislike me simply because I’m white and can’t go as fast.

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