
I hate not working

I hate not working. Don't get me wrong, I hate work, being underpaid, too little free time and a toxic work environment. But I hate more being stuck at home with my finger up in my ass, depressed. Feeling like a bad person when I don't contribute anything to society. I am 21 years old and have been working in addition to school and summers since I was 16-17 years old. A week ago, my summer job at an office ended. And I find myself missing the rush I'm used to. I haven't had the time/energy to do my hobbies and now it just feels overwhelming to start again when I have the time. At work, I was dreaming about what I would have time to do when the summer ends. It is now and the motivation is lost. I can't even continue working because i would lose student support.…

I hate not working. Don't get me wrong, I hate work, being underpaid, too little free time and a toxic work environment.

But I hate more being stuck at home with my finger up in my ass, depressed. Feeling like a bad person when I don't contribute anything to society.
I am 21 years old and have been working in addition to school and summers since I was 16-17 years old. A week ago, my summer job at an office ended. And I find myself missing the rush I'm used to. I haven't had the time/energy to do my hobbies and now it just feels overwhelming to start again when I have the time.
At work, I was dreaming about what I would have time to do when the summer ends. It is now and the motivation is lost. I can't even continue working because i would lose student support.
How do I get my motivation back and manage to enjoy my free time without guilt and depression.
have I seriously been brainwashed into being a corporation slave?

I am sorry for this rant and my english skills, i used a lot of google translate

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