
I hate self-entitled customers

I'm going to sound like an asshole but whatever. I work a minimum wage job just like a lot of you and I never understood why so many customers think that a blank look on my face and that I'm quiet means that I'm being an asshole. The number of complaints I've gotten from customers makes me furious. They expect me to act all giddy and stroke their ego just because they ordered a fucking sandwich. One time I had this guy in a truck randomly tell me that I shouldn't work at my job just because I didn't smile. I'm so fucking done.

I'm going to sound like an asshole but whatever. I work a minimum wage job just like a lot of you and I never understood why so many customers think that a blank look on my face and that I'm quiet means that I'm being an asshole. The number of complaints I've gotten from customers makes me furious. They expect me to act all giddy and stroke their ego just because they ordered a fucking sandwich. One time I had this guy in a truck randomly tell me that I shouldn't work at my job just because I didn't smile. I'm so fucking done.

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