
I hate serving others so that i can live.

If you really think about it…I am working for someone to eat, have shelter, pay for insurance, pay for christmas gifts, pay for college debt, pay for car notes, pay for small subscriptions for simple entertainment, paying for food, taking care of kids if we have any, and companies are gladly aware to pay as minimum as possible. Did you know that there are still companies paying dirt to their employees of the beautiful amount of $7.50/hr 🤩 which is only enough for $600! Which is half the cost of rent in Florida! 🤩🤩🤩🤩 coughcoughcoughAMCCough

If you really think about it…I am working for someone to eat, have shelter, pay for insurance, pay for christmas gifts, pay for college debt, pay for car notes, pay for small subscriptions for simple entertainment, paying for food, taking care of kids if we have any, and companies are gladly aware to pay as minimum as possible. Did you know that there are still companies paying dirt to their employees of the beautiful amount of $7.50/hr 🤩 which is only enough for $600! Which is half the cost of rent in Florida! 🤩🤩🤩🤩 coughcoughcoughAMCCough

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