
I hate sick policies at work

Maybe I'm just looking for a place to complain about this, or maybe I just want to feel validated in my thinking…I don't know. But last week, i got really sick, tried to push through but my breathing turned into a problem so I had to miss 2 1/2 days of work abd get breathing treatments and meds from an urgent care. And now this morning my kiddo is puking with a fever so I have to call in AGAIN. And I hate the fact that I feel guilty for missing work again. And I hate the fact that I was trying to come up with ways to force my sick kid to go to school, but… why on earth would I, should I or could I make my child suffer? Because I tried to? Because my boss will be mad at me?? Why would I push my kid so…

Maybe I'm just looking for a place to complain about this, or maybe I just want to feel validated in my thinking…I don't know.
But last week, i got really sick, tried to push through but my breathing turned into a problem so I had to miss 2 1/2 days of work abd get breathing treatments and meds from an urgent care. And now this morning my kiddo is puking with a fever so I have to call in AGAIN.
And I hate the fact that I feel guilty for missing work again. And I hate the fact that I was trying to come up with ways to force my sick kid to go to school, but… why on earth would I, should I or could I make my child suffer? Because I tried to? Because my boss will be mad at me?? Why would I push my kid so hard so he would have to end up in the urgent care like I did?
People get sick.. Kids get sick.. and how some jobs are, they try to make you feel some type of way because of it.
I'm staying home today with my sick kid, and I won't let myself feel guilty for it.

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