
I Hate Supervising

I hate it, especially now in the time of perpetual short staffedness. I hate begging people to stay for overtime. I hate it when they feel guilty for saying no. I hate that I feel guilty when I tell them “no problem, life comes before work” because I don't think my bosses would like me saying that. I hate denying vacation requests. I just hate it. I do truly like where I work and my immediate team is pretty good about being flexible and working with people for time off/leaving early but working for a larger corporation, there's only so much we can do before our department gets in trouble. I do what I can to personally boost morale (ex: I put out fresh flowers in the break room every week) but I'm living paycheck to paycheck too so there's not much I can do besides have a positive attitude…

I hate it, especially now in the time of perpetual short staffedness. I hate begging people to stay for overtime. I hate it when they feel guilty for saying no. I hate that I feel guilty when I tell them “no problem, life comes before work” because I don't think my bosses would like me saying that. I hate denying vacation requests. I just hate it.

I do truly like where I work and my immediate team is pretty good about being flexible and working with people for time off/leaving early but working for a larger corporation, there's only so much we can do before our department gets in trouble. I do what I can to personally boost morale (ex: I put out fresh flowers in the break room every week) but I'm living paycheck to paycheck too so there's not much I can do besides have a positive attitude and be as friendly and accommodating as possible. The people above me are so lost in their own world of budgets and bonuses that they don't see how much the spirit of everyone below them is crushed.

I buy a lottery ticket once a month. Please, Lady Luck, get me tf out of the American work force.

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