
I hate this system.

So i just woke up sick as hell. 101 fever, very scratchy throat, clogged nose, hot chills, the works. And u know what my first thought was ? Not if i was ok, not if my girlfriend or parents are ok. But whether or not i would lose my job if i called off… this stupid system has me caring about the shit that doesnt matter, over my health and happiness. And im a Yes Man. I try my best. I try to make everyone at work happy. But when it comes to my and my coworkers health and happiness, they give 0 fucks.. i hate this system, i hate management, and i hate this “At will” policy bullshit…

So i just woke up sick as hell. 101 fever, very scratchy throat, clogged nose, hot chills, the works. And u know what my first thought was ? Not if i was ok, not if my girlfriend or parents are ok. But whether or not i would lose my job if i called off… this stupid system has me caring about the shit that doesnt matter, over my health and happiness. And im a Yes Man. I try my best. I try to make everyone at work happy. But when it comes to my and my coworkers health and happiness, they give 0 fucks.. i hate this system, i hate management, and i hate this “At will” policy bullshit…

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