
I have a cap on what I can make (commission)

I am actually really fortunate that I have a good career with lots of benefits that pays well, but today I found out something that is slightly disturbing to me, and peak capitalism. I work as an equipment Salesman for Freightliner selling heavy duty trucks. Today I was discussing larger deals with my boss and the safety guy only to discover the company lowers and limits commissions on big deals. How is this anything but corporate/ownership greed? Why should a salesman be penalized for selling a fleet 100 trucks versus 20? Absolute bullshit in my opinion. Let's say I normally make 2,000 per truck in a deal. If I sell a ton of trucks in one deal they might limit it to 500 or 1,000. So effectively i might make as much money on a 25 truck deal vs a 100 truck deal just based on the lower one giving…

I am actually really fortunate that I have a good career with lots of benefits that pays well, but today I found out something that is slightly disturbing to me, and peak capitalism.

I work as an equipment Salesman for Freightliner selling heavy duty trucks. Today I was discussing larger deals with my boss and the safety guy only to discover the company lowers and limits commissions on big deals. How is this anything but corporate/ownership greed? Why should a salesman be penalized for selling a fleet 100 trucks versus 20? Absolute bullshit in my opinion. Let's say I normally make 2,000 per truck in a deal. If I sell a ton of trucks in one deal they might limit it to 500 or 1,000. So effectively i might make as much money on a 25 truck deal vs a 100 truck deal just based on the lower one giving me regular commission. Pure brazen greed. The company is making the same profit on every truck deal, I am not sure why I should be penalized for succeeding.
Just goes to show you at the end of the day Capitalism is going to exploit your labor, even in the best of circumstances.

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