
I Have A Dilemma and Need Advice

To make a long story short. I am currently in the process of quitting my job so to the immense stress, anxiety and emotional distress I have been suffering the last year. I'm not the only one by the way, two of my good partners/friends are experiencing the same and contemplating quitting. Here are the list of things that have happened: -Owner/boss always belittles the guys whenever there is a complain by saying things like, “does your pussy hurt?” “Pick up your pussy off the floor” etc, we are all guys. Refuses to hire females in the office as to not distract the guys Missed paying me and HR refused to give me paper check when I asked for one so I received direct deposit a day late. (HR also happens to co own the business) -Has put immense pressure of tasks to be completed without raises and questioning begins…

To make a long story short.

I am currently in the process of quitting my job so to the immense stress, anxiety and emotional distress I have been suffering the last year. I'm not the only one by the way, two of my good partners/friends are experiencing the same and contemplating quitting. Here are the list of things that have happened:

-Owner/boss always belittles the guys whenever there is a complain by saying things like, “does your pussy hurt?” “Pick up your pussy off the floor” etc, we are all guys.

  • Refuses to hire females in the office as to not distract the guys

  • Missed paying me and HR refused to give me paper check when I asked for one so I received direct deposit a day late. (HR also happens to co own the business)

-Has put immense pressure of tasks to be completed without raises and questioning begins when you can't compete your job (which none of us can)

  • Owner Began talking to other employees about my performance stating that it looks like I've been drinking more (which I haven't. I rarely drink)

  • Even though I haven't received a single write up in the 5 years I've been there, I found out he wants to fire me. Why? I don't know, no one has talked to me about the reasons.

-I got into a major accident (no my fault) was in a neck brace, bruised and sore and he personally called me, told me to get up and go take a drug test which I did came back negative obviously

-He also continously tells us that we are not allowed to discuss our wages and that we can be reprimanded.

I am in CA. Any advice?

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