
I have a doctor’s note stating I can’t lift heavy things, boss says I’m being lazy

I just had minor abdominal surgery, to which I received a doctor's note stating that I could not lift anything over 10lbs for an entire month. So I've been in a different department, and slowly starting to get back into lifting since that's 90% of my job. Well, today I was told that the boss man thinks I'm being lazy. I've felt the angry energy coming off of him for a week now at this point but gave him the benefit of the doubt as there's no reason a functioning adult would think that I was being lazy. I'm constantly looking for things to do, but when they're all done what the hell am I supposed to do? I sweep the entire place multiple times a day even when it's not necessary, I wipe everything down, reorganize the shelves, etc CONSTANTLY. The other people I work with all sit on…

I just had minor abdominal surgery, to which I received a doctor's note stating that I could not lift anything over 10lbs for an entire month. So I've been in a different department, and slowly starting to get back into lifting since that's 90% of my job. Well, today I was told that the boss man thinks I'm being lazy. I've felt the angry energy coming off of him for a week now at this point but gave him the benefit of the doubt as there's no reason a functioning adult would think that I was being lazy. I'm constantly looking for things to do, but when they're all done what the hell am I supposed to do? I sweep the entire place multiple times a day even when it's not necessary, I wipe everything down, reorganize the shelves, etc CONSTANTLY. The other people I work with all sit on their phones during down time, which there has been a lot of lately. But for some reason I'm on the shit list here. And just before my surgery they were singing praise about my wonderful work ethic.

I've really enjoyed coming to work (as much as one can) up until this point because there's never been an issue before, but now I'm back to dreading it like every other job I've had. This was just so out of the blue it kinda blindsided me, but what pisses me off the most is that EVERYONE ELSE KNEW ABOUT THIS. They all knew he was feeling shitty with me and decided for some reason to not tell me and let me continue to sit with anxiety feeling like I've done something terribly wrong.

I'm in Florida, which is an at will state so honestly I'm at a bit of a loss here on what to do if they try to fire me. I have a copy of my doctor's note and it's on camera that I gave it to my manager. But they could try to come up with some other reason to explain firing me, and I'll probably be screwed.

Is the rest of my life supposed to be like this? Slaving away for just above minimum wage and then having higher ups treat me like garbage when I've just had surgery and can't do my normal activities. Which by the way, I gave them a months notice that the surgery would be taking place and told them that I would be on light duty for a while. I've never been late, never called out, continuously bring breakfast for everyone on my own dime, but these people don't care. They don't care that you have internal stitches that will rip if you try lifting things, they only care about profit. I refuse to work my life away for people like this anymore.

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