
I have a Problem

So I work in a tourist town at a vintage clothing store. Despite the fact that we are open from 9am to 10:30pm, we only have a staff of 12 and most of them are only part time. As a result, I pull a lot of 13 hour shifts and work through most of my breaks. Already I feel like this is stupid but the money is decent and I get a small bonus for gas because of prices. Here is are the issues. I was thrown into the jewelery section of the store with no training on how to work the cash. My boss kept saying she was going to teach me.but never did so I had to figure it out myself. As a result, I didn't understand the value of the float (first job needing to make one and no training) so I didn't keep the same value…

So I work in a tourist town at a vintage clothing store. Despite the fact that we are open from 9am to 10:30pm, we only have a staff of 12 and most of them are only part time. As a result, I pull a lot of 13 hour shifts and work through most of my breaks. Already I feel like this is stupid but the money is decent and I get a small bonus for gas because of prices.

Here is are the issues. I was thrown into the jewelery section of the store with no training on how to work the cash. My boss kept saying she was going to teach me.but never did so I had to figure it out myself. As a result, I didn't understand the value of the float (first job needing to make one and no training) so I didn't keep the same value each day and now there is confusion in the finances department.

Two, I keep getting called in on my days off, even if I have stated that I cannot come in due to other priorities like doctors appointments, family plans, or other responsibilities.

Three, the floors are very weak. There is a hole in the floor on the jewelery side and multiple weak spots in the clothing section that are holding on by a thread. There are also multiple holes in the roof and it rains inside when it rains outside.

And the biggest one, recently a coworker and I were talking about the pay system because sometimes we get payed on a Thursday morning and other times we get payed close to midnight on a Friday and she mentioned that her paycheques were often wrong and that on the pay period with the last statutory holiday, she had been shorten close to $200 and suggested that I check mine. Sure enough, I'm underpaid as well by close to that amount. She has already gone to the manager who claims she didn't know how to read the pay stubs, but when she went to the owner of the business l, she got in trouble for “going behind the managers back”

The two of us who have been shorted are considering getting the Department of Labour involved since we've been shorted, as well as making an anonymous tip to health and safety for the floor and roof. Is that taking it too far?

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