
I have a weird work issue, any help would be appreciated.

Long story short there is a woman at work that is convinced that I have feelings for her, I have repeatedly told her that I don't, she has been making work increasingly awkward for me, very much hot and cold, she'll talk and then the next minute she's claiming that I'm “attached” to her. Normally, this sort of childish crap wouldn't bother me, but I'm a 6 foot 1 heavily tattooed, beared, big built man and she's about 5 feet tall and incredibly skinny and petite. We're in an error where let's be honest, she'll be believed no matter what she says. I'm absolutely petrified that her little comments about me are going to end up in the wrong hands, I have told her to leave me alone and only text me about work related matters and to bring a witness with her should she choose to come up to…

Long story short there is a woman at work that is convinced that I have feelings for her, I have repeatedly told her that I don't, she has been making work increasingly awkward for me, very much hot and cold, she'll talk and then the next minute she's claiming that I'm “attached” to her. Normally, this sort of childish crap wouldn't bother me, but I'm a 6 foot 1 heavily tattooed, beared, big built man and she's about 5 feet tall and incredibly skinny and petite. We're in an error where let's be honest, she'll be believed no matter what she says. I'm absolutely petrified that her little comments about me are going to end up in the wrong hands, I have told her to leave me alone and only text me about work related matters and to bring a witness with her should she choose to come up to me.

Can I go up to my manager about this? As of now it's a bit of a none issue, however, I have a feeling that it's going to become one in the future. Thank you.

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