
I have an interview today for a server job. It’s been a while since I’ve interviewed. Any tips to avoid getting overworked, underpaid, and being used like a machine for hire instead of a human? I want to be more careful about where I work now

For context, I went to another interview last week for a hostess job. They offered me the job on the spot which is great. But yesterday I saw on the paperwork it said $16 per hour. I wrote on my application I wanted $25. The thing is, we didn't talk about pay during the interview either. I was so focused on selling my skills and work history as reasons why I'd be a great fit that when she asked me if I had any questions, I couldn't think of anything except the hours and how many shifts. The job was also listed as “competitive salary”. I would typically avoid jobs that say that but I really need some work. Any suggestions, tips, questions I should ask etc so that I get properly compensated for the work I'm doing without being taken advantage of, is appreciated! TIA

For context, I went to another interview last week for a hostess job. They offered me the job on the spot which is great. But yesterday I saw on the paperwork it said $16 per hour. I wrote on my application I wanted $25. The thing is, we didn't talk about pay during the interview either. I was so focused on selling my skills and work history as reasons why I'd be a great fit that when she asked me if I had any questions, I couldn't think of anything except the hours and how many shifts. The job was also listed as “competitive salary”. I would typically avoid jobs that say that but I really need some work.

Any suggestions, tips, questions I should ask etc so that I get properly compensated for the work I'm doing without being taken advantage of, is appreciated! TIA

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