
I have an interview tomorrow for a manufacturing company with NASTY online reviews.

The Google, Glassdoor, Indeed, and LinkedIn reviews are absolutely scathing…mandatory overtime – 12 hour days, 7 days a week – from January until present, nepotism, favorites, idiot managers, engineering and maintenance not fixing things properly, people being advised to run machines without light curtains activated, etc. In interviews, they always ask “what questions do you have for us?” What are some questions I should ask them? I don't actually want this job but I'm painfully curious as to what their answers would be if I asked very poignant questions about work-life balance, turnover, anything really. I also want to ask them very direct questions to make them feel like assholes for being a shitty company. This is for an engineering co-op job and I have 3 more co-op interviews, one of which is the last interview in the series, it's on-site, and it's my first choice if they offer me…

The Google, Glassdoor, Indeed, and LinkedIn reviews are absolutely scathing…mandatory overtime – 12 hour days, 7 days a week – from January until present, nepotism, favorites, idiot managers, engineering and maintenance not fixing things properly, people being advised to run machines without light curtains activated, etc. In interviews, they always ask “what questions do you have for us?”

What are some questions I should ask them? I don't actually want this job but I'm painfully curious as to what their answers would be if I asked very poignant questions about work-life balance, turnover, anything really. I also want to ask them very direct questions to make them feel like assholes for being a shitty company.

This is for an engineering co-op job and I have 3 more co-op interviews, one of which is the last interview in the series, it's on-site, and it's my first choice if they offer me the position…so the interview tomorrow is more out of curiosity and humor than necessity.

I plan on recording my interview and posting it with the best questions I find.

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