
I have been working for 27 years and have NEVER been on a vacation!!

Someone recently asked me where I’ve been on my last vacation, and I looked at them and just said I’ve actually never been on vacation. They laughed because they assumed I was joking however I said no I’m serious I’ve never been on a vacation. And now that I think about it, it does sound pretty weird. (this is how) I have been working since I was 13 years old. Unfortunately I graduated high school with a baby and my own apartment, so working has been something I have done a lot. A single parent and never having benefit of child support, sometimes I’ve even had more than one job at a time. I also decided quality time with my kids was important so I refused to work any hours that they were home from school, since I was the only parent they had. So my “sick/vacation days” were used…

Someone recently asked me where I’ve been on my last vacation, and I looked at them and just said I’ve actually never been on vacation. They laughed because they assumed I was joking however I said no I’m serious I’ve never been on a vacation. And now that I think about it, it does sound pretty weird.
(this is how)
I have been working since I was 13 years old. Unfortunately I graduated high school with a baby and my own apartment, so working has been something I have done a lot. A single parent and never having benefit of child support, sometimes I’ve even had more than one job at a time. I also decided quality time with my kids was important so I refused to work any hours that they were home from school, since I was the only parent they had. So my “sick/vacation days” were used in order for me to be home when they were off for school holidays and closings. But I worked paycheck to paycheck so there was no money for big travel vacations anyways. Eventually wound up as they say “burning the candle at both ends”, and my body just gave out. I collapsed one day at work and woke up in the hospital from exhaustion. They also said I should seek mental help as well, since I never got help all these years from a childhood that included being raped and molested as a child. I told them that this was never a option because I had to work, and I still do, so I checked out. Even after giving birth to my second child, I remember having my baby on a Thursday, and was back at work on Monday. See I was a temp and did not “earn” any vacation days as yet with this particular agency. (I even wore a big sweater to hide the fact that I was 7 months pregnant when they hired me) and being from a temp service FMLA, maternity leave and all that was not an option yet. Before quarantine my FMLA was spent in inpatient centers after being diagnosed with Depression and my Anxiety disorder from being a victim of a sexual assault (a #metoo story for a different time).
As one of my earlier posts said ….I live only to successfully click the “make a payment” button.

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