
I Have Hit My Breaking Point

I would generally call myself a fiscally conservative, socially “liberal” guy. Meaning I generally believe free markets are the best solution in an economy, and people should be able to associate freely with each other in any regard. But when CEOs are making tens of millions of dollars a year, and corporations are producing record profit levels for shareholders, while workers like me (Chipotle) haven't gotten a raise in a year, despite never being late and being applauded for my work? The CEO of Chipotle (never worked in a Chipotle restaurant, came from Taco Bell) made $38 million in 2020. For WHAT? He certainly hasn't improved the quality of life for workers much at all, and at my restaurant we haven't gotten many basic upgrades to our store that many other stores have, despite my managers begging for these things (new cooking gear, heated table for cutting meat). We don't…

I would generally call myself a fiscally conservative, socially “liberal” guy. Meaning I generally believe free markets are the best solution in an economy, and people should be able to associate freely with each other in any regard. But when CEOs are making tens of millions of dollars a year, and corporations are producing record profit levels for shareholders, while workers like me (Chipotle) haven't gotten a raise in a year, despite never being late and being applauded for my work? The CEO of Chipotle (never worked in a Chipotle restaurant, came from Taco Bell) made $38 million in 2020. For WHAT? He certainly hasn't improved the quality of life for workers much at all, and at my restaurant we haven't gotten many basic upgrades to our store that many other stores have, despite my managers begging for these things (new cooking gear, heated table for cutting meat). We don't even get paid break anymore (at least hires after last June). All the while the pay of CEOs has gotten astoundingly ridiculous. The rich and higher ups in these companies make more and more money, while the real workers such as myself get paid the same as we did two years ago. I have asked for raises twice, and they told me “raises are given on a performance-based quarterly basis,” meaning I probably will never get one. I have never even had my performance “evaluated” before. I am not going to quit yet (only be there two more months because I am moving to college), but I will never work a shit job like Chipotle again. They take advantage of their workers, and this is pretty much every company around that college aged people like myself work for. I work harder and harder every week it seems with my restaurant getting busier and busier, and have seen no appreciation from the company in any way.

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