
I have no regrets lowering prices for myself and customers.

So basically i’m an assistant store manager at a dollar store chain for about 5 months. I got the position since basically i have a pulse because i’ve never held a manager position in my life, let alone an assistant manager position. Our store is utter shit but not as bad as other stores i’ve seen however our DM is a piece of garbage. We get zero employee discounts, pay for everything out of pocket including our uniform and supplies, and we also have zero hours because we don’t make enough sales since we only have about 5 workers(about to lose two more including a recent hire.) We unload the merchandise truck by hand and sometimes it’s only two people (me and the main manager) working a 600 item truck! The main manager pulls about 80+ hours a week while I also work almost 7 days a week because we…

So basically i’m an assistant store manager at a dollar store chain for about 5 months. I got the position since basically i have a pulse because i’ve never held a manager position in my life, let alone an assistant manager position. Our store is utter shit but not as bad as other stores i’ve seen however our DM is a piece of garbage. We get zero employee discounts, pay for everything out of pocket including our uniform and supplies, and we also have zero hours because we don’t make enough sales since we only have about 5 workers(about to lose two more including a recent hire.) We unload the merchandise truck by hand and sometimes it’s only two people (me and the main manager) working a 600 item truck! The main manager pulls about 80+ hours a week while I also work almost 7 days a week because we don’t have another manager to cover our shifts. I’ve had to pull doubles almost every week because of the lack of help. Yesterday, our DM came by the store, called it “embarrassing” and basically said we aren’t doing our jobs the way we should and that we should be “dripping with sweat” while we work 50+ boxes of merchandise an hour while he sits on his tiny hiny doing jack shit. He’s even told us that WE, the workers, have to call our own construction crew to fix the store ceilings and plumbing issues. People come in stealing duffels at a time but we usually only have one person on shift and no security. On top of that, today our entire wall of socks fell out of nowhere which could have injured someone and we have two giant holes in the ceilings where rain water comes out in STREAMS to the point we had to block off the entire hallway because there was a FLOOD. Guess what he told us to both of those things? “Deal with it.” I’ve been lowering prices on about everything I buy, nothing too crazy (cheap ass makeup) or anything over $10 but I don’t care. I don’t do it everyday but is often that I lower the price drastically for myself and customers. If I go to jail at least I won’t have to be at work getting fucked over and being under-appreciated. I’m at this store more than i’m at home. Today, he told my manager that I changed the price of a 10 dollar electric toothbrush to 1 dollar and that i’m on the verge of getting terminated. God forbid he finds the other shit, I guess. One part of me is terrified but another part is feeling like this can open the door to new possibilities because i’m fucking done. I had faith in the beginning but now i’m started to feeling exploited for my work and labor. I know this doesn’t excuse my actions but it’s more of an explanation, I suppose. Our manager is on the brink of unaliving themselves everyday because of this place and i’m sorry but i’m NOT going to allow myself to get there. Fire me and let’s see who else is gonna deal with all this BS.

TDLR; i’ve been lowering prices for myself but idgaf cuz the company hates us.

p.s i’m not condoning this behavior at all. Please don’t do this and get in trouble or even legal trouble. These are my decisions and a explanation for my actions. i’m just at a point where i’m just done caring and self sabotaging myself in an attempt to rid this situation in the most dumb way possibly. Don’t be me.

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