
I have PTSD from human resources and their involvement in my healthcare

I would have lunch with the head of HR and other leaders, HR lady would openly talk about some injuries of employees and how she “felt” they were faking it (btw I'm just a programmer). I slowly started alienating myself from leaders at this family-owned organization as I saw how libidinally interested they all were in people's private lives, it was so patronizing. They just thought I was a boring healthy guy they could trauma-dump on (“trauma-dumping” ranging from intense stories from their past to ridiculous dramatic anecdotes like having to wait in line at a grocery store), but really I was delaying healthcare and silently suffering from treatable issues (purchased a separate private plan and got fixed), and spent all my leisure time training and searching for another job because I was so worried they would start retaliating against me when they realized I sincerely hated the leaders (spoiler…

I would have lunch with the head of HR and other leaders, HR lady would openly talk about some injuries of employees and how she “felt” they were faking it (btw I'm just a programmer). I slowly started alienating myself from leaders at this family-owned organization as I saw how libidinally interested they all were in people's private lives, it was so patronizing. They just thought I was a boring healthy guy they could trauma-dump on (“trauma-dumping” ranging from intense stories from their past to ridiculous dramatic anecdotes like having to wait in line at a grocery store), but really I was delaying healthcare and silently suffering from treatable issues (purchased a separate private plan and got fixed), and spent all my leisure time training and searching for another job because I was so worried they would start retaliating against me when they realized I sincerely hated the leaders (spoiler alert, they did). Bridges burnt but I'm so happy to be gone from there, but I literally have nightmares of the HR lady and her invasion of privacy under the guise of concern for other people's lives and health. Dreadful really for me to realize that this is probably how most of American HR departments operate because they are just trying to save a buck, I've never been good at “context switching” is what I guess they call it in these conversations, I guess it's why I'll never be a “leader” at any organization. Keep me away from those people

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