
I have the feeling that a lot of Americans would not be ready to move to Europe due to how much smaller our salaries are

Hey there, This is not some rant or anything aimed at Americans, quite the contrary in fact, as I'm simply trying to say that Western Europe countries like France, Germany, and the UK, are not ideal at all. I'm about to start a career as a digital product owner, after starting out as an account manager for years (then free-lancing as a community manager during the covid pandemic) right after getting my master's degree from a top 8 business school in France, and the pay will be around…. 40k euros. So roughly 45k dollars. That sounds super low for a master's doesn't it?…Well, no, it's not, actually. I'm almost in the top 30% of the best salaries in France (although I'm only 32-33 (soon), which means that I'll probably be earning more than that at some point, hopefully). If I was living in America, I'd probably be earning something like…

Hey there,

This is not some rant or anything aimed at Americans, quite the contrary in fact, as I'm simply trying to say that Western Europe countries like France, Germany, and the UK, are not ideal at all.

I'm about to start a career as a digital product owner, after starting out as an account manager for years (then free-lancing as a community manager during the covid pandemic) right after getting my master's degree from a top 8 business school in France, and the pay will be around…. 40k euros. So roughly 45k dollars.

That sounds super low for a master's doesn't it?…Well, no, it's not, actually. I'm almost in the top 30% of the best salaries in France (although I'm only 32-33 (soon), which means that I'll probably be earning more than that at some point, hopefully).

If I was living in America, I'd probably be earning something like 70-80k dollars for this kind of job. I know that there's the healthcare issue, the student debt and so on…but I STILL don't think that many Americans would be ready to do it: it's a psychologival thing, no one likes earning half what they did in the past.

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