
I have to take a pay cut if I get hired on permanently at this union warehouse.

Before I explain, let me preface this by saying I’m not some anti-union, right to work, Pinkerton adjacent capitalist. I’m very pro union when the union actually fights for their worker’s best interest. So with that said, let me tell you about this one specific union that very much does not. On Monday I started working through a temp agency at this warehouse that pays just slightly above market rate. I was told by my recruiter, or whatever her title is, that the job is a union job and at the end of 90 days they’d make the evaluation on whether or not to hire me on permanently through the union or end my employment. So I thought that sounded fair. However, I’ve come to realize that it’s very much not fair. After speaking with several union employees here, they all told me that once I am hired on, I…

Before I explain, let me preface this by saying I’m not some anti-union, right to work, Pinkerton adjacent capitalist. I’m very pro union when the union actually fights for their worker’s best interest. So with that said, let me tell you about this one specific union that very much does not.

On Monday I started working through a temp agency at this warehouse that pays just slightly above market rate. I was told by my recruiter, or whatever her title is, that the job is a union job and at the end of 90 days they’d make the evaluation on whether or not to hire me on permanently through the union or end my employment. So I thought that sounded fair. However, I’ve come to realize that it’s very much not fair.

After speaking with several union employees here, they all told me that once I am hired on, I actually lose over $1/hour. Now, to some, that may not seem like a lot. However, with current prices and my rent going up next month, $160/month is massive to me. That pay cut is not part of the member dues either. Oh no, that’s another $50/month.

So then I asked “The union gives you free health insurance though, right?” Their answer: chuckles “No. It’s a tiny bit cheaper but you still have to pay monthly for it and have copays and all that shit. The only thing the union does is keep us from getting fired.” I responded “Holy shit… so you guys don’t get any raises or anything?” One guy answered “Sometimes. It depends on what they get when they go to collective bargaining every year. But I’ve been here 6 years and the highest raise we’ve ever gotten was .50 cents.” Needless to say, I’m not going to stay to be hired on.

I have never been more pissed and felt more horrible for anyone in my life. This particular union is completely fucking their workers and hanging them out to dry. I say all this to say: MOST unions are very good and fight vigorously for their workers. However, there are a few unions out there that shake down their workers for every penny they can while getting nothing for them in return. If your employer is not paying for your benefits and you make less money than a temp, I’m sorry to inform you that your union is a scam.

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