
I have to use a whole day of the limited PTO I have to see my dying grandparents on medical appointment that I could easily come back to work from after a couple of hours.

Like most here I labor in the United States work force and only get around a week at best of PTO. My favorite part is if you are sick or an emergency occurs the time used to handle that situation comes out of your PTO first. Pretty stupid tbh because sick days & emergencies should be treat as there own category sperate from the miniscule pool of vacation time. Anyways I have a doctor's appointment to renew my medical marijuana card coming up in a few weeks. I don't know if I am mad more at the doctor's office or my job at this point for not willing to work with my schedule. Currently at my job site I have to work mandatory OT. The time I get out of work most businesses like doctors, offices, banks, dentists or etc are already closed. Of course they are not open on…

Like most here I labor in the United States work force and only get around a week at best of PTO. My favorite part is if you are sick or an emergency occurs the time used to handle that situation comes out of your PTO first. Pretty stupid tbh because sick days & emergencies should be treat as there own category sperate from the miniscule pool of vacation time.

Anyways I have a doctor's appointment to renew my medical marijuana card coming up in a few weeks. I don't know if I am mad more at the doctor's office or my job at this point for not willing to work with my schedule. Currently at my job site I have to work mandatory OT. The time I get out of work most businesses like doctors, offices, banks, dentists or etc are already closed. Of course they are not open on the days I have off, and the doctor for my card renewal will not alter her availability to schedule a consultation with me in my free time. I even stated I was willing to pay extra for the inconvenience.

Now I was like well maybe I'll ask my boss if I can leave work for a couple hours and come back after the appointment. They told me I would have to make sure I get a valid doctor's notice if I did that, but after I told them it was for a medical marijuana card renewal he said that isn't acceptable because of the company's policy on it. However I have the card so they can't discriminate or fire me for using cannabis on my off time. (Thanks to the state laws I can do that without fear of being fired as long as I am registered).

Any who my boss said that if I needed to do this I need to request the day off through the HR website portal and use my PTO so I don't need to have a doctor's notice.

Sorry if this is long mostly venting. I'm just super pissed for multiple reasons. One I shouldn't have to use my PTO for a medical appointment that's a couple hours (I specifically save my PTO to visit my grandparents who live out of state and are pretty much on the road to their death beds). Two I hate how the doctor offices and similar professions have the worst visiting hours and will not go out of their way to make appointments on a weekend even for extra money. Three the way companies have their no tolerance policies on cannabis usage even for someone who uses it medicinally.

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